US$251 / SQFT
US$251 / SQFT
Scenario Analysis
Bang Saray Beach is a relaxing 1.2km walk away and Bang Saray Village, with restaurants and shops aplenty, is a 3km drive away.
The nearby U-Tapao airport will be expanded from a small regional airport with a max. capacity of 800k to a 2 terminal super regional airport with a capacity of 15 million. T1 has just opened to a capacity of 3 million passengers and when T2 opens in 2019 the region will definitely change.
Driving to Bangkok from Le Mir Luxury Condo takes less than 165km. A new highway is currently under construction that gives direct access to Bangkok from U-Tapao airport, bypassing Pattaya City and allowing travelers to head directly to Bang Saray beach.
We will contact you soon with details on this project.